Friday, November 15, 2013

threw the card away but not my life

November is suppose to be the month of thankfulness, but my traitorous mind is having a hard time being thankful. I keep thinking of all the things going wrong instead of all the things going right. I am also feeling sick (runny nose, cough, low energy) and tired. To top it all off, today I threw away my debt card on accident in a public place; and, they had emptied out the trash can before I realized what I had done. No big deal until you factor in that I now live in Ukraine and will probably have to wait until after Christmas to get a new one.

On a happy note, I have parents who can call the bank, set up a temporary solution, and solve all of my problems way before they normally wake up. I have friends who are willing to spot me until I can pay them back. AND I have a nice cosy home with lots of hot water, tea bags, meds and food to help me get better.

I am thankful for my life, even if it is not filled with rainbows and butterflies every day. Here is a short list of other things that I am specifically thankful for:

~ Jenny-- Literally my saving grace... always inclusive, welcoming, and encouraging
~ pinterest-- I would have no idea how to cook things from scratch without this gem
~ Noah's hugs-- When I walk into the Kelly's house, Noah will run towards me and give me a big hug. They are precious and always make me feel better.
~ Abbie's learning-- so encouraging to see your pupil experiment, learn, and retain information.
~ Spanish-- It amazes me that I can communicate with Spanish in Ukraine
~ Zander-- He can always make me laugh and has the opposite view (from me) in almost everything
~ Sophie-- always has something to say (usually comical) and has wonderful whimsical thinking
~ heaters-- a wonderful friend as the nights are getting colder
~ random warm sunny days in this Indian summer
~ internet-- helps me stay connected to my family, friends, country and great entertainment
~ electricty-- never know when it will go but always thankful it will come back on
~ both my ukrainian and iphone
~ my kindle-- it can work without internet or electricty (for a good while).... I can carry all of my books, download new books, and play games all on the same amazing item.
~ friends at home that txt or message me on fb-- thanks for continuing to include me in your lives even when we cant be physically together

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