Saturday, June 19, 2010

The Flight Plan

Ok, so my first big trip out of the US was definitely crazy and kinda random. You see, my dad worked at ACU and helped 24 students from MADAGASCAR attend ACU. When they graduated in the spring semester of 2008, my family was invited to attend the graduation ceramony in Madagascar. We started our long trip from Chicago and then made a connecting flight to Boston (where everyone on the trip was meeting up). Everyone then flew to Paris, France (a 6 hr flight) and then from Paris to Madagascar (a long 11 hr flight). The total travel time it took my family to get from Chicago, IL to Madagascar was about 25 hrs. It was definitely worth the trouble! Here are some pics of the flight :)

<-- This is a picture of me and my brothers getting ready for a LONG trip. We are at O'Hare checking in our bags and getting ready to go through security. . .

This was the last Starbucks we were gonna see for a while so we just had to get something... Who can pass up some Starbucks coffee? -->

<-- This is my family about to board the plane to Paris, France. My mom was so excited that she wanted to take a picture by the sign. . . unfortunately you can barely read the words.

So being the great daughter that I am. . . I took a picture close up to proove that we were going.-->

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Listen to Tori Tysons Playlist

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why oh why am I writing?


Okay, let me explain why I am writing in this lovely blog site. . . This blog is about the different countries I have been to or will be going to in the near future. I love to travel and am going abroad next semester to Uruguay, but I'm getting a little ahead of myself.

It all began when my parents flew me to Chicago when I was 5 weeks old. I mean, the tray on the back of air plane was bigger than I was. Not to mention, the recycled air carries so many germs. . . What were my parents thinking??? Well as you can tell, I survived without getting a horrible sickness and have loved traveling since then.

Growing up, we took trips all over the states. I have been to TX, NM, AR, OH, OK, IL, MN, MO, LA, GA, FL, MA, CO, CA, KS, WI, NY, PA, IN, MI, TN, KY, VA, HI and Washington DC. Now that's not in any specific order and if you counted. . . it is only 24 states out of 50, but before I die, I want to see every last one of 'em. I have also been 7 countries (France, Madagascar, Honduras, Antigua, Brasil, Canada, and USA) including the one I call home. So that actually means I've been to 4 different continents (North America, South America, Europe, and Africa) but unlike the states, I really don't want to visit all of the continents.

Welp, that's prolly good enough for now. . . I don't want to bore you yet :)