Thursday, November 27, 2014

Training Thankful Hearts

Since we are behind in school (rushing, rushing, rushing) I usually feel like I'm a chicken with my head chopped off. Thanksgiving snuck up on me but also came just at the right time. It is easy to rush through the day instead of pausing and thanking God for all of our blessings. Here are some pics of the crafts we did and the joy we found in living in the moment.

 Thankful Pumpkins- each side of the pumpkin has a thankful thought

It took us 10x longer than expected to make these Pilgrim women to make these because of all the contagious giggling!

On Thanksgiving Day, friends and family gather around and have a traditional meal with turkey and all the fixings. We went around the room and listened to everyone say what they were thankful for. It was hard to keep dry eyes as Ukrainian refugee families shared how thankful for being safe, clean, and fed when so many of their friends and family members back home went without. God is moving and working in ways that go beyond anything I could have imagined! On a side note, Jenny went above and beyond being sweet by making me gluten free green beans and pumpkin pie (my 2 favorite thanksgiving foods). Hard not to be thankful when surrounded by wonderful friends and good food!!!!

After lunch had settled in our tummies, Natalie, Nathan and I decided to brave the weather and take pictures in the snow! Anna Kate chickened out and got cold but not before we could take this precious picture.

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