Saturday, August 31, 2013

J is for JET LAG

So I am finally here!!! Since getting here, I have been turned around. Because days are blurry and time zones are confusing, I'm claiming that I have a good case of jet lag. Praise the Lord that school will not be starting until Monday!!! (side note: cabin 3 has been transformed into the cutest classroom I have ever seen... can't wait to take pics and show everyone!!!)
My new home is mind blowing!! The kids I will be teaching are awesome and their parents are wonderful and welcoming. I can already tell that my first "big girl" job will be life changing. More info and pictures to come later.

FaceTiming with my parents has made this whole transition so much easier. I could even give them the tour of my place.... love technology!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

U is for Ukraine

Hello everyone,
I am currently about to board a series of planes that will take me all the way to Kiev, Ukraine!!!! 
My goals: 
~Learn enough Russian for basic communication 
~Make new friends and become better friends with the girls I already know there
~Serve the children and workers that are involved in Jeremiah's Hope 
~be a great homeschool teacher for Abby (and possibly Sophie)
~step out of my comfort zone and try new things (foods, language, transportation, etc.) 

My prayer is that I can be the hands and feet of Jesus Christ here. I want to be an encourager, not a Debby Downer. I also pray for health and a strong stomach (for those that don't know, it doesn't take much for me to gag/shut down around bad smells and sights). I pray that God goes before me and that I continue to lean on him for help/direction/guidance. 

This blog will have updates on what I am doing and prayer requests. Thanks for reading and God Bless!!!!
Here is all of my stuff!!!! Can you believe that my checked bags were only 50lbs each :) No extra fees for this girl <<<< God is good all the time!!! Shout out to my parents for helping me and supporting me through this decision. Love y'all to pieces <3 p="">